Clare is an education consultant specialising in leadership learning, teacher professional development, leading curriculum change in schools and enhancing student ability, creativity and independence in learning. She has had extensive experience at senior level in higher education specialising in teacher education and professional development and learning at The London Institute of Education and Oxford University between 1990 – 2008. She also developed and coordinated a large scale programme at Oxford Brookes University for 1500 teachers working on their own school-based Master’s level research (2001 – 2004).
As Assistant Director of a national UK education research company Clare developed and delivered national level mentoring and coaching training for school leaders and teachers (2007-8). She has had considerable experience in gifted education internationally, she has carried out school improvement consultancy, writing and training internationally, most recently in United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Malaysia. Clare has several years of secondary school teaching experience and an M.Litt from Oxford University for her examination of the policy promoting research and evidence based practice in teaching. She is about to submit her doctoral thesis on national identity formation in schooling for examination in November 2016.